CertExams.com Releases Network+ N10-007 Practice Exam Simulator


certexams Certexams.com, leading netsim and examsim software developer, released Network+ exam simulator for N10-007 exam. The practice tests consist of 300+ most relevant and unique questions with flash cards. The exam objectives for Comptia Net+ consists of the following:

Network Plus1.0 Networking Concepts 23%
2.0 Infrastructure 18%
3.0 Network Operations 17%
4.0 Network Security 20%
5.0 Network Troubleshooting and Tools 22%

There are a few changes from the previous version of Network+ (N10-006) and a few topics have changed in the new version. However, there appears to be no major changes from the current to previous exam syllabus.

Download the practice tests here:


The older version (N10-006) is still available here: http://www.certexams.com/comptia/net+/online-exam-details-n10-006.htm

Note: The older version is scheduled for retirement by 31st August 2018. Those who purchase the older version during this period would be given free update to the new version of the software.

The Integrated exam engine provides updates and feedback at one place so that candidates don’t have to leave the exam environment for the same.

Other related product: Network+ practice exams with Labsim

Disclaimer: Certexams.com is not associated with Comptia(R) and Comptia Network+ is a trademark of Comptia organization. All practice tests and exam notes is copy right of Certexams.com.

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