Certexams is a leading Practice test provider has been updated it’s CCNP Route 300-101 Exam questions. These questions allows candidates to test their knowledge level and how much they are ready for the real exam. All the simulation questions are made by certified professionals and the answers are written and verified by the experts in the same profession. The practice tests will have 300+ sample questions which help to get success in ccnp route certification exam with the detailed answers for understanding the concepts quickly. The questions include Multiple Choice, Drag-and-Drop, True/False, and Testlets type questions. Here are the areas of updated ccnp route practice exams covered.
- Network Principles 10%
- Layer 2 Technologies 10%
- Layer 3 Technologies 40%
- VPN Technologies 10%
- Infrastructure Security 10%
- Infrastructure Services 20%
Note: Cisco announced that ccnp certification exams are going to change after 24 Feb 2020, If you started to study for any current ccnp certification exam and want to take the certification in that make sure to complete it on or before 23 Feb 2020. The new certification exams will go live on 24 Feb 202. For more about to ccnp certification exam updates please visit the official website.
Disclaimer: Certexams.com is neither associated nor affiliated with cisco® or any other company. CCNP is the trademark of Cisco® and duly acknowledged. The practice tests are the copyright(C) of Certexams.com