Certexams.com recently revised it’s Network+ LabSim with additional labs and revised it’s lab manual to reflect most recent topics on the Network+ exam. The Network+ labs include the following: 1.1.1 Identifying the fiber connector types (such as ST , SC, FC etc) 1.1.2 Identifying speed ranges of 802.11 standards 1.1.3 Arrange the color codes used in the TIA/EIA 568A wiring… Read more »
Certexams.com released Comptia Network+(R) exam simulator with virtual labs for candidates preparing for Network+ certification exams. The exam sim together with virtual labsim provides a common platform for certification exam preparation with exam-like questions and virtual labs at the same time. As most of us know, Comptia(R), a widely known certifications provider, in the area of vendor neutral IT certifications,… Read more »
Certexams.com released Comptia A+(R) exam simulator with labsim for candidates preparing for A+ certification exams. The exam sim and netsim combination provides a common platform for exam preparation with both objective type exam-like questions and lab exercises at the same time. As most of us know, Comptia, the pioneer in the area of vendor neutral computer hardware and OS exams,… Read more »