Certexams.com recently updated Juniper netsim for JNCIA to include additional labs and features. Several new labs have been added including the following: Connectivity check between Router and workstations Pinging between two workstations Pinging between two workstations on different subnet Tracing route from workstation to router Creating DHCP pool on EX series switches Configure DHCP Server for multiple vlans in EX… Read more »
A VPN, Virtual Private Network extends a private LAN across a public Internet, and enables users to send and receive data across the Internet or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private LAN. Many times, we come across Virtual Private Networking, widely known as VPN. Some well known VPN providers are: Windscribe: (https://windscribe.com) Windscribe’s… Read more »
CertExams.com is in the process of updating it’s CCNA Netsim (DSIM) software. The update consists of implementation of several commands, and a thorough update to the Netsim Designer. Several new commands are being implemented and the same are listed below: router#clear ip nat translations router(config)#ip access-list standard <name> router(config-std-nacl)#permit/deny any router(config-std-nacl)#permit/deny <srcadd> <srcmask> Router0# clock set Router0# show ipv6 interface… Read more »